Wednesday 7 January 2015

20 Most Unique And Strangest Buildings Of The World

1. Capital Gate,Abu Dhabi,UAE

2. The Leaning Tower Of Pisa,(Italy)

3. Krzywy Domek,(Sopot,Poland)

4.Palace Of Parliament,(Burcharest,Romania)

5. Shard,(London)

6.Sydney Opera House,(Australia )

7.The Egg (Empire State Plaza,Albany,New York,United States)

8.Biosphere Environmental Museum,(Montreal)

9.Space Needle,(Seattle)

10. Petronas Tower,(Kaula Lumpur)

11.Lloyd's Building,(London)


13. Beijing National Stadium,(China)

14.The National Library,(Minsk,Belarus)

15.Dancing House,(Czech Republic)

16.Stone House,(Portugal)

17.Forest Spiral-(Hunderwasser Building,Germany)

18.Habitat 67,(Montreal,Canada)

19.Lotus Temple,(Delhi,India)

20.Niteroi Contemporary Art Museum,(Brazil)


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